Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The last two weeks of school should be called hell week, not to be confused with the hell week in the Greek system (which I will happily endure this coming Fall). It is a horrible time of papers, tests, and catching up on things you decided not to do throughout the semester. I am a procrastinator with a slight (and self diagnosed) case of ADD. Therefore, it is very difficult for me to finish all of my work. It is Wednesday of week one. By this time next week I will probably be going insane, unless, for once, I am able to be really productive.

But...productivity never really happens for me. So we'll see how that works out.

In other news, it was warm enough for me to wear a skirt in this frigid state...only two more weeks until I am back in the south!

1 comment:

Scarecrowcp said...

And less then a month before i go south to visit!