Monday, April 14, 2008

I've recently become an avid computer screen shopper..that's pretty much the equivalent to a window shopper, but online. So I am sure that throughout my time as a blogger I will post lots of things that I will never be able to afford on a desk receptionist salary. I've decided that my shopping addiction is a lot healthier than most other addictions. Plus, it also helps me forget that my boyfriend is halfway across the world.

so who is my mr. wonderful?


He is Mr. Loverpants. We've been in an LDR for about a year and a half of our two and a half together. The Army is his mistress. We've had very little communication and haven't seen each other in about four and a half months. I'm sure if you read this, you'll hear a little whining every once and a while, but you'll also get to see how excited I am when I talk to him. Our relationship is a beautiful thing and I am entirely content with who we are.

1 comment:

Scarecrowcp said...

Seriously cute picture. You people rock. Can I just say how obsessed I am with your blog?